Energies - PDE 2030 - IDC
PDE- 2030 Energy Master Plan
Energy is at the heart of current concerns. You will find all the useful information on the following link:
IDC- Heat expenditure index
As of September 1, 2022, the heat expenditure index (HDI) threshold is set at 125 kWh/m2.year (450 MJ/m2.year).Beyond that, energy sanitation of the building is required.
Gradual decline of IDC
222 kwh/m2.year (800 MJ/m2.year) from 2022 until December 31, 2026
180 kWh/m2.year (650 MJ/m2.year) from January 1, 2027 until December 31, 2030
153 kWh/m2.year (550 MJ/m2.year) from January 1, 2031.
Sanitation general is planned see useful link:
Residential- The villasare also affected
Previously exempted from calculating the annual IDC of their building, owners of residential buildings supplied by a single heating plant and comprising fewer than 5 heat consumers - mainly villas - are now also subject to this obligation. They will therefore have to fill in the first IDC calculations as of June 30, 2024 for the 2022-2023 heating period.
Source: website of the State of Geneva.

" Energy work is subject to rules but benefits from subsidies. We collaborate with several energy offices for the preparation of the work and thus sell or improve your property. "